I thought I'd post some random pictures of regular weekly activities:

Roman decided that Mikey needed helping riding his bike so he started pushing.

Here's us at our regular Friday morning storytime. We rarely miss a storytime at the New Bern Library. It's the most amazing storytime ever - and I've been to lots and lots of storytimes. Pictured here are our some of our best friends from left to right: Jasmyn, Anika, Jackson, Jocelyn, Lucy, Mikey, Ms. Nadia, Charis, Sami. I'm not sure where Roman is...?

After storytime we went to the park where the kids decided to play "balance beam".

Here's the little munchkins acting goofy while they wait (patiently?) for their breakfasts.

The kids discovered recently that you don't have to sit on your bottom in a swing to have fun on it. I personally enjoy this new discovery because I don't have to push constantly or do underdogs over and over again.
Here's some footage of the new found discovery.

I believe this is a swing for special needs kids and is supposed to be for one kid only, but this works and it doesn't cause fights over who goes first. However, I always check to be sure there are no special needs kids around before I let my kids use it.

Here's Roman pushing again. He loves to push things. He's all boy. I discovered yesterday that he also seems to be quite gifted at soccer - he's dribbling and throwing in correctly already! But, I don't have a picture for that - the camera was busy transferring pictures during soccer practice.

Here are the kids playing basketball. We were at the Pike's house playing with their many activities. I should also mention here that Mikey rarely missed a shot. I was very impressed with his shooting skills. He was even several feet away from the basket and almost always made it in. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm bragging, I'm more just stating facts in disbelief. However, why is it so hard for me to believe? Their father is an amazing athlete!
Here are the kids at the top of the slide.
Here are the kids dispersing from the top of the slide.
Here's some potty talk on one of our countless trips to the potty (don't worry, it's not gross)!
Here's Roman enjoying bouncing.
Finally, here are the festivities to make dinner that night!
Thanks for taking the time to enjoy the select shots of 100s of shots from one week!
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