Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Responsibility in Afghanistan

Note from Michael:
5 June 2008

I’m sorry that I haven’t written in a while. It has slowed quite a bit around here. That is good news as far as the combat thing goes. It means we are in a transition period from fighting to what can best be described as stability operations and reconstruction of the local village. I was told today that I will be playing a role in the reconstruction efforts. They want me to assist with getting some law and order back into the village, and also with helping to compensate some of the locals for the use of their homes. Can you imagine a foreign military coming to your country and using your house as a base from which to operate? But our Marines are careful not to damage or steal anything. Anything that gets damaged will be compensated for. We are truly a humanitarian military. We are not here for oil or money or greed. We are here to help these people who can’t help themselves. America should be proud. I know that I am proud of what our Marines have accomplished. There will be some periods of time when I won’t be able to e-mail, so don’t worry if you don’t hear from me for a while. I should be here for several more days, so I will still be able to communicate until then.