First of all, thank you to everyone who has commented on my "Wal-mart Blog Post". It was great to read everyone's comments. You really made me think about this and determine what really bothered me about the whole situation.
Some of you commented that the lady was just following the rules. Some of you commented that she was crazy and should have just let me in. Others thought of some ideas that Wal-mart could do to fix the situation. You offered solutions such as kid-friendly dressing rooms to keep children secured or locked in with me. Thank you so much for ideas to offer solutions to Wal-mart.
However, I realize now that my overall frustration and concern about the situation is that it exempliflies legalism. Unfortunately, our ways today have led us to following blindly rules or people without actually thinking through our decisions.
Thinking outside the box is simply not done and therefore, we become trapped into the rules that are supposed to be helping us. Legalism is defined as "strict adherence, or the principle of strict adherence, to law or prescription, esp. to the letter rather than the spirit" ( We find ourselves being slaves to rules and authority to a point that we don't even feel comfortable thinking for ourselves. And if we do try thinking for ourselves, we're called disrespectful. However, I like to call it resourcefulness.
The irony of my dress search is a basic case in point. I still needed a dress so I dragged the kids to another store and selected 11 dresses to try on with the "help" of the three kids. I had a cart still because I need Roman strapped in and some help in carrying all the dresses. When I made it to the dressing room the lady didn't seem to have any problem with the cart. However, she had a problem with the count. I was only allowed 8 dresses. So instead of turning me away or telling me I would have to try on 8 and then come out for more with the three children, she simplified it with some resourcefulness. She offered to give me the card for 8 dresses and one of the children a card for 3 dresses, therefore meaning that we would have all dresses accounted for and meeting the requirement for items per person. I truly appreciated her resourcefulness. And ironically, I ended up spending $75 on dresses AND shoes. Wal-Mart missed out there!
The reality is I will probably still continue on at Wal-Mart, but I will still be frustrated with the problems of our constricted way of thinking. In so many ways this is damaging to our communities, our children, and our nation. I believe it's the root of why we find so many people becoming dependent upon others and unable to provide for themselves.
I feel so strongly this is a serious issue for our nation, I may decide to blog more later. I think there's a link between this and personal respect for ourselves leading us to settle for less than our best. But, it's late and I'm tired. Let me know what you think...
6 years ago
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