Sunday, April 27, 2008

Reporters and a News Report

From Michael:


We have been taken over by reporters. Our mission is apparently very high profile. We have MSNBC, Fox News, and a British newspaper here. Everyone seems to hate the media. I think that is a mistake. You create friction with them, and there is an air of distrust. I think we should develop a rapport with them, and allow them to see the human side of us. We may be Marines, but we are also husbands, fathers, uncles, brothers, and best friends, just like the rest of America . As a whole, the military does a poor job of portraying this side of military life. If we don’t do it, who else but the media? And if we don’t trust them, and they don’t understand us, then the story isn’t going to be very good, is it? So I sit down with them during meals, talk to them like normal people, call them by first name (one of them is actually pretty famous), and just act myself around them. No reason to fear them or despise them. They are just doing a job, and they are even sharing in our misery while doing it.

Here is a news report on what Michael's doing right now: