Monday, August 25, 2008

Update on the kids...

Today Mikey started Kindergarten. We had a good time. It's really a tough task to prepare all the curriculum and balance all the kids and teach well, but it was really great. I just loved how we were all doing something together. I think the kids loved it. I can definitely see how homeschooling really has the potential to create an extremely close-knit family. I can also see how homeschooled kids could get a sub-par education. Fortunately, I'm extremely motivated to challenge them with very high standards for education. I plan to start teaching them Latin in 3rd grade. Speaking of language, we started Spanish today as well. I'm really hoping that in a couple of months Mikey will be able to have a basic pleasantry conversation with someone in Spanish - I'm also hoping that Roman and Sami pick up the language with him. I was also talking to another homeschooling family and she suggested a program for starting them on piano at 6 years old. I'm going to look into that when it gets closer.

Let's see... interesting things about the kids lately:

  • Yesterday Jasmyn came running out of the Quizno's bathroom and proclaimed to the crowded restaurant that Mikey didn't wipe his privates. Nadia said in a quiet voice to settle her down that Mikey was a boy and boys don't need to always wipe their privates....
  • A couple of weeks ago Mikey said he wanted a strong wind to come by because he wanted to fly....
  • Roman has learned the very annoying trick to pretend that he doesn't want to come to me when someone else is holding him. He thinks it's so funny - I don't.
  • Mikey asked me the other day if the United States gave Daddy a sword.
  • Sami is very sneaky and has learned that if she behaves as though she's hurt she can usually get away with getting a kiss and getting her brother in trouble.
  • Mikey made an airport with legos the other day.
  • Roman likes to make airplanes, trains, cars, etc go "vroom".
  • Mikey and Sami feed the dogs every day twice a day so I don't have to - Roman "helps" and sometimes feeds himself....
  • Sami can count in English and Spanish to ten and if in the right mood can quote Psalm 23 and the Ten Commandments - without her brother's help.
  • Mikey has practically memorized every children's Bible story we've ever read.
  • Sami just fell out of her bed - she broke one end of the bed so she's sleeping at the foot where there are no side rails. She had a very sad cry.

That's all I can think of for now...