Sunday, August 3, 2008


A few weeks ago - I know, I'm way behind - I took the kids to get haircuts. This was Roman's first haircut so he got all his baby hair cut off. It's still hard to tell a color but the hair in the floor didn't look like his because it looked so brown. I should admit here as well that I got a little choked up picking up his baby hair. He's probably my last baby and it was a little sad for me.
Mikey was up first:
Sami and Roman waited while they ate bananas
Sami was next and happy to get started
She doesn't look so happy now, but she is. This is her, 'no one can see that I have emotions' look. She's cute with the little metal clips holding her hair in place so the lady can cut. She's such a big girl!
I really think she loved getting her haircut, you'd just never know it from the look on her face. Then there's Roman...
Clearly, he didn't like it...

Here's the outcome: Cute little kiddos!