Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for Sami's birthday. It was great because it gave me a extra pairs of hands (especially in helping to prepare for the party) and the kids loved having them here. Here's the whole trip in pictures (it was pretty much all about Sami's birthday):
Reading one of Sami's presents (if you haven't figured it out, Dora the Explorer was the theme this year). I couldn't resist Dora, Sami looks just like her. Plus, I think Dora offers some education to the kids. Although, I really enjoy Little Einsteins the most.
Here's Sami and Grandpa being silly before bed. Thank you to GG for another adorable nightgown. Sami looks good in most colors, but this color is striking on her.
If you've ever watched Dora the Explorer you know that she pretty much follows the same sequence in all shows. The party was put together to follow the sequence. Everyone received a map when they walked in the door. Map (an actual character on the show) led us to the pinata with stops at a coloring table, Backpack (another character), Swiper (the "bad" guy), food, cake, and then finally, the pinata.
Here's the coloring table. The bright colored paper rolled up with the kids are the maps. I liked these coloring pages because it was color by number. They did pretty well.

Here's the Backpack game. They each were blindfolded and would pull an item out of Backpack. If they guessed what it was they won a prize. Everyone won a prize.

We added some musical chairs to the mix to add some more fun. The kids really enjoyed this game too...

So here we are! We finally made it to the Pinata! Sami was the first to go...
Here's a quick video of all the fun.

Here's Sami dressed up like a princess holding her Dora doll.

Here's some video of the beautiful music... hah! Just kidding. Here's a warning: it's only beautiful to those who think my kids are precious and to those who find screaming sibling rivalry sweet... view at your own risk.
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