The line snaked to and fro and took an hour and a half even though we were there early. I never did find out how long the last person to get in waited. I do know that some were not able to get in and had to watch it from televisions somewhere else.
Secret Service was in place watching the festivities...

Here's some prep work for the secret service - it drove me crazy because they kept hinting she was coming and then she didn't come. Which is why as you will see in a moment, that I only have a short bit of Sarah entering - the battery ran out and my extra batteries were at my seat.
Here's a bit of the speech live (thank God I had brought extra batteries or else I would have nothing of her - except for the brief entrance).
She's a good sport with all the signs, she took any that anyone handed her. She constantly tried to back track - against Secret Service wishes - and sign for everyone (unfortunately, she didn't get to me) and I saw later on a news report that she requested that a woman holding a baby and a sign that said "Downs Syndrome Blessed" come to her so she could hug the baby - we saw her hugging a baby but I didn't know the whole story until I saw it on the news.
It was a wonderful night. I wish I could do it all the time. The fact that I want that crazy life of politicking is another reason I have the vision for FPOTUS and FFLOTUS Berry.
I also wanted to send out a big thanks to Kim for watching the kids for me, including taking them to soccer practice and spending the night so I could stay out late to watch the debate in Greenville.
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