Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Palin Comes to Greenville

Thanks to Keith (he drove an hour, one way, on his "lunch break") , my political groupie friend and I were able to get tickets to see Sarah Palin in Greenville at ECU's campus. When we drove up to the site, we were greeted by Obama supporters...

The line snaked to and fro and took an hour and a half even though we were there early. I never did find out how long the last person to get in waited. I do know that some were not able to get in and had to watch it from televisions somewhere else.

Secret Service was in place watching the festivities...

Here's Suzy and me sitting happily in our seats waiting for everything to get started. Suzy has been a God-send, she comes over and watches debates with me and we talk politics all the time. I guess she's been a God-send to my friends and family because if it weren't for her, I'd be talking to them about politics!

A few politicians spoke to prep the crowd. Elizabeth Dole was one of them...

Of course, Sarah was a few minutes late (I've noticed the main speaker is never on time when I go to these things) and we were all getting restless.

Here's some prep work for the secret service - it drove me crazy because they kept hinting she was coming and then she didn't come. Which is why as you will see in a moment, that I only have a short bit of Sarah entering - the battery ran out and my extra batteries were at my seat.

Here's a bit of the speech live (thank God I had brought extra batteries or else I would have nothing of her - except for the brief entrance).

She's a good sport with all the signs, she took any that anyone handed her. She constantly tried to back track - against Secret Service wishes - and sign for everyone (unfortunately, she didn't get to me) and I saw later on a news report that she requested that a woman holding a baby and a sign that said "Downs Syndrome Blessed" come to her so she could hug the baby - we saw her hugging a baby but I didn't know the whole story until I saw it on the news.

It was a wonderful night. I wish I could do it all the time. The fact that I want that crazy life of politicking is another reason I have the vision for FPOTUS and FFLOTUS Berry.

I also wanted to send out a big thanks to Kim for watching the kids for me, including taking them to soccer practice and spending the night so I could stay out late to watch the debate in Greenville.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Soccer Season

I don't think you need much explanation so I'm going to leave this as it is for now...

Almost done...

Letter from Michael:
September 27, 2008

I have been back at Kandahar Airfield (KAF) for about 2 ½ weeks now. Life here is bliss compared to what it was like at FOB Dwyer. We can shower whenever we like. We have plumbing. We can eat good food at the chow hall whenever we want. The soda is cold, as are our tents due to the air conditioning. We have next-day laundry service, gyms, a running trail, and electricity. Life here is good. But, the Taliban do a good job of reminding us that we are not in America . We have taken rocket attacks each of the last four days. It’s funny, because I can recall that when I first arrived, these rocket attacks scared the living daylights out of me. I wasn’t able to sleep the first night. Now, they are just an annoyance, kind of like the flies were at Dwyer. They get in the way of our busy schedules and cause us to have to stop what we are doing to take cover. Speaking of busy schedules, I have been busier than ever now that we have returned. There are many investigations that I must oversee. Investigations must occur whenever we suspect that a Marine has committed some transgression or misconduct. Most of them deal with momentary lapses in judgment, but some can be serious. My job is to make sure that everything is done by the book, and in a professional manner. It can be tedious, but I view it as a way in which I can distinguish myself as an asset to my boss. I have somewhat earned the reputation as being the resident nobel laureate, so any written document that is of any significance is either written or edited by me. It’s a role I assume with pride because I know that they would not ask me to do it if they didn’t think that I possess some kind of talent for it. I suppose it means I have found my niche in this world dominated by type A personality alpha males who are in the business of killing bad guys and blowing things up.

I have less than one month remaining until I am on the airplane and headed home. This deployment has certainly been an eye-opening and career-changing (perhaps even life-changing) experience. Where I go from here remains to be seen. I hope that I emerge from this a better Marine, husband, father, son, and friend. It’s not over yet, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.